Steps to Becoming a Sister
There are several steps that an individual goes through in order to become a full fledged sister!
The affiliate program is a period of formal contact between our community and a woman who is interested in living religious life with us. To be an affiliate a woman must be seventeen years or older. The affiliate period is anywhere between six months and two years.
Once a woman decides she wants to enter the community she becomes a postulant. Through classes and experiences, the postulant's knowledge and understanding of Catholic doctrine and tradition is deepened. This period of formation is approximately one year in length.
After a year of postulancy, a woman becomes a novice.This period of novitiate is the beginning of formal entrance into religious life. The first twelve months referred to as "canonical novitiate" is a year "apart". The canonical year provides much time and space for quiet and solitude. The second year of novitiate gives greater emphasis to the integration of the contemplative and ministerial aspects of religious life.
Temporary profession, which lasts anywhere from three to six years, gives a sister the opportunity to better integrate her spirituality, community life, and ministry into a healthy balance. During this time, she matures in her understanding of living the vows and expands her community and ministry activities.
If a temporary-professed sister has the readiness and desire to profess perpetual vows, she makes a lifetime commitment to God as a Sister of St. Francis of the Immaculate Conception.

"Led by the Lord...Let them begin."