There are various ways you can help the Heading Avenue Franciscans continue their amazing work.
It is only through the goodness of people like yourself that the sisters can continue their many ministries. All donations are accepted through the development office at 2408 West Heading Avenue, West Peoria, IL 61604.
The sisters appreciate gifts in the form of cash, stocks, bonds, securities, and insurance policies. In-kind donations are also beneficial. Let your legal advisor know of your intentions. All of our benefactors are remembered daily in the sisters' prayers.
Donations are encouraged "In Honor of" or "In Memory of" a loved one. What a beautiful way to honor family and friends! These names are printed for viewing in our newsletter. If you choose to be anonymous, just contact our development office or write a note and attach it to the donation.
Memorial gifts may be given to the sisters by specifying them as your favorite charity at the time of someone's death. Simply inform the person in charge of the arrangements that you would like the obituary to list the Sisters of St. Francis of the Immaculate Conception as the recipients of memorial gifts. We honor those gifts by placing your loved one's name on our engraved Memorial Wall Plaque that is located in the front entrance of our motherhouse, and all contributions are listed in our newsletter, Franciscan Prints.
Giving to our Annual Appeal always helps with the extra expenses that may arise each year.
Many companies have a matching gift program. Be sure to contact Human Resources at your place of business to see if they participate in this program.
Be assured that all donor files are kept strictly confidential. We do not rent, give, or sell any of our benefactors' information.
All gifts are tax-deductible and will be acknowledged with a thank you letter, usable for tax purposes.
Please call the Development Office at 309-674-2005 for further information.